Problem = Opportunity

For almost all people, problems often cause our minds to go downhill leading to exaggerated stress and distraction. As human beings, with thousands of years of evolution, we are conditioned to do this very well.

Seeing the glass half full, is much easier said than done and in order to make it a lasting way of being -- time, practice and a few key skills are important to remember.

As much as I fight it, I already know problems cannot be avoided. Luckily, the problems I had 4 years ago when I started my business are not the same as the problems I have today. But, the truth remains, it doesn’t matter what level I get to, there will always be problems. The problem is not the problem. The problem is my relationship to it. When I see it as a roadblock it creates fear, frustration and stress.

‘Opportunity often comes disguised as misfortune, or temporary defeat’ - Napoleon Hill.


We are familiar with the genius minds who solved problems of society such as Alexander Fleming who discovered penicillin, providing a cure for infectious diseases. Or Thomas Edison who lit up our world in the dark! Karl Benz and Henry Ford were responsible for greatly reducing our travel times on ground, not to mention the Wright Brothers who led the way to making the world a much smaller place. These people solved BIG problems.

But what about our daily, weekly, monthly recurring problems in our own lives? Relationship woes. Leadership challenges. Financial pitfalls. Health problems. Depression. Anxiety. Children. Lawsuits. Lost clients. Gained clients. Car accidents. Lack of time. The list goes on and on….

No matter if a problem is an issue of societal proportion, personal or interpersonal, let’s begin the process of looking at it as an invitation toward learning + growing.

Here are a 5 self generated inquiries I’ve used to positively shift my mental attitude about problems in both my business and personal life.

  1. Focus | What is this problem highlighting for me? Both what I do want and what I don’t want.

  2. Pattern Play | Is this a familiar or recurring problem? It’s good to identify the patterns in your life that keep repeating themselves. If it happens more than 3 times, it’s a sign you have an unconscious habit of creating this problem. Begin the work of self exploration.

  3. Knee Jerk | Are you reacting to the situation? For example, a co-worker is making the same mistake under your guidance. Perhaps it’s an opportunity for you to grow as a leader to affect change vs. scolding your co-worker.

  4. Stay Clear | What is a real threat? Our minds play tricks on us. What we perceive as threatening may not be so at all. Work to perform reality checks with people.

  5. Trust | ‘This too shall pass’. Sometimes our greatest gifts are those that challenge us the most.

Problems are inevitable. It is a worthy challenge to change the way we look at them. This is not done in a vacuum. Commit to working together with others who have common goals toward growth + improvement and you’ll marvel at your ability to sail right through challenge after challenge as you learn how to expand your capacity to handle more.


Meet Candy Scott: Founder & Principal Designer


How to Design Your Best Life